1) to provide a place for Pagans to connect.
2) to hold rituals (when weather allows) for the Sabbats and Esbats ...which we will schedule on the closest Saturday
or Sunday.
3) Eventually as our group grows...we would like to add Study/Discussion Groups
4) As we grow and have families that are interested, we would like to start a "MOON SCHOOL" once a month, to start
teaching the basics to our children.
We have 2 ULC Ordained Ministers. So we will be able to provide Handfasting (wedding), Wiccaning (Baptism/Christianing), and
Funeral Rites to anyone who needs them. Please see our LEADERS page for a little bit about our leaders and their backgrounds.
On the pages of the website we have included some information about the basics of Paganism, for any
of those who are new to the path. We hope you find them helpful in learning what our beliefs are. If you have any questions
at all...PLEASE feel free to contact us. You can find our email addresses on our CONTACT US page.