Wiccans trace their roots back to the pre-Celtic era in Europe.
Wicca is a neo-pagan religion based on the pre-Christian traditions of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Its origins
can be traced even further back to Paleolithic peoples who worshipped a Hunter God and a Fertility Goddess.
-Wicca is a nature based religon. We have a God AND a
Goddess because we believe you must have both in order to
have balance and equality.
-Wiccans believe that the spirit of God/dess exists in every
living thing: in the trees, the rain, the flowers, the sea, and in
each other. We attempt to honor and respect life, in all its
many and diverse expressions.
-Wiccans learn from and worship nature by celebrating the
cycles of the sun, and the cycles of the moon.
-We revere the spirits of the elements that create our world. Air,
Fire, Water, and Earth combine to manifest all creation.
-Wiccans attempt to dance in step with the pulse of the
Earth.The rhythms of nature are the rhythms of our lives.
-Wiccans practice tolerance and acceptance toward all other
religions, as long as those faiths do not preach or commit harm
to others.
-Afterlife. Most Witches believe in reincarnation of some sort.
-Sin. In Wicca, we do not have a specific concept of sin. There
is no heaven or hell that souls will go to based on their worldly
actions. With LAW OF RETURN as our guide, we believe in
KARMA, that whatever we put out good or bad returns to us. So
we determine our fate by our actions we choose to partake in
- WE DO NOT WORSHIP must believe in Satan
in order to worship him. Satan is a Christian creation. We do
not believe He exists.
RETURN being whatever we send out comes back to us...we
would actually be creating bad KARMA for ourselves by
casting an evil spell. We do spells for things like Love, Healing,
Joy,Aid in getting a job. Any "potions" that we may make would
be for headaches, colds, or a flea bath for our pets.
The main Ethic of Wicca is THE WICCAN REDE or WICCAN LAW. The main 8 words of the Wiccan Rede.....
"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"
Which basically means.... as long as what you are doing harms
NO ONE (including yourself) you are free to do as you want.
Leadership vs. Hierarchy. There is no Arch Bishop or Pope in Wicca.A person may join a group or pratice as a Solitary(alone).
There is no 1 way to pratice or believe. Wicca is a person's personal connection with Deity.
Witches believe in the power of magick to create change. MAGICK has been defined as "the art of changing consciouness
at will" by an author named Starhawk.We create change in ourselves by tuning into the natural rhythms of life. Since we are
responsible for our own reality, we have the power to change things in our lives. Things that may not be healthy or good for
our happiness or well being. We use many things to help assist with these changes, such as stones, herbs, crystals, colors
and candles. Since we believe we are God and Goddess within ourselves... we have the power to create what we dream of or desire.