SABBATS and ESBATS are usually held in a circle....a circle is cast to raise and contain energy
for the ritual. It is sacred space... that is "cut" apart from the mundane world.
BEFORE ENTERING THE CIRCLE....everyone is smudged and annointed.
SMUDGING... someone will have a lit smudge stick(bundle of sage) that they will pass up
and down in front of and behind you to remove any negativity that maybe accompaning you.
ANNOINTING... someone will use a special oil chosen for the day to annoint your forehead to bless
you and welcome you to the circle
ONCE YOU HAVE BEEN CLEANSED AND BLESSED..... you may enter the ritual area. We assemble in a
CIRCLE hence the name.
CLEANSING,CONSECRATING AND CASTING OF THE CIRCLE...... after everyone has entered the ritual
space... the leaders of the ritual will CLEANSE(remove any negative energy from the area) and CONSECRATE (charge the area
for the work to be done). Then 1 of them will use an ATHAME (sacred ritual knife) to "cut" or cast the circle. This is a sacred
boundry that seperates the ritual space from the mundane world and contains the energy we raise with in it.
******VERY IMPORTANT NOTE...... once the circle has been cast.... if for any reason you HAVE
to leave the circle.... you need to ask someone who is part of the ritual to "cut" you a doorway.... and to let you back in
when you return!These people will be pointed out to everyone at the begining of the ritual. We do not just step out of
circle....this breaks the boundary that was created during the circle casting******
QUARTER CALLS.....Each of the Elements,Spirit,the God and Goddess and the Ancestors,will be called
to join the ritual.
MAIN BODY OF THE RITUAL..... The leaders of the ritual will conduct the main body of the ritual.
This will correspond with what Sabbat or Esbat we are gathered for.
CAKES AND ALE.... Being a family friendly group....we will use a juice or punch instead of ale...the
cakes maybe cake or cookies or bread or something similar that corresponds with the Sabbat or Esbat. A portion of the cakes
and ale is left as an offering to the God and Goddess.
RELEASING OF THE QUARTERS.... the Ancestors,God and Goddess,Spirit and the Elements will
be released and thanked in the reverse order they were called.
RELEASING THE CIRCLE.... who ever casted the circle will release the circle in the reverse order
that they casted it. They will ground the energy that was raised back into the earth.
At this are free to leave the ritual space.
SOCIAL TIME... We will have fellowship and feasting after all rituals..... which will be
a POTLUCK/CARRY IN where everyone brings something to share. Anyone who has any drums or guitars is welcome to bring
them. Music can be a very grounding and meditative thing. Grounding is always good after any release any built
up or left over energy from the ritual.